FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE – Brisbane, Australia 30th October 2019
The night began walking up to the concert space of the Woolly Mammoth to the opening band Freedom of Fear, a Death/Melodic Metal act from Adelaide. As the first time seeing this band perform, I was completely blown away, and the Vocalist (Jade Monserrat) has quickly become one of my favourite female vocalists in metal. Powerful and booming growls that command attention; a great way to open the night.

Following Freedom of Fear, Kaerulean took the stage. This Brisbane Melodic Death Metal group really impressed their local scene. Each song played (including a new, unreleased track), I became more enamoured with the band. From hard hitting mixes of clean and dirty vocals, to the absolute technical prowess each member of the band displays, it was definitely an experience that had the Brisbane crowd up on their feet and ready for the headlining act.

Appearing fresh from their coffins with tattered clothing, Italian Symphonic Death Metallers Fleshgod Apocalypse instantly broke into one of their most recognised songs, ‘The Violation’, and had the audience going hard. Tracks like ‘Healing Through War’ and ‘Monnalisa’ provided a beat shift, especially with David Folchitto being one of the hardest and fastest drummers in metal. Fleshgod had the crowd entertained from start to finish, however there was one element of the night, which dampened the spirits of the Brisbane Crowd…

The venue and the security in place had the Brisbane crowd almost in fear of moshing, due to multiple patron removals for doing just that. Many of the local attendees awoke the next morning, blasting the venue for this particular act, especially for a heavy metal gig.

Although there was a slight shadow of disappointment for the night, the bands themselves, especially Fleshgod Apocalypse, performed incredibly well and still left people in high spirits. Fleshgod has definitely shot to the top spots of my list for best bands live, and highly recommend their music, especially their live shows.

Reviewer: Ree Phillips
Photographer: Davey Rintala @fastlanephoto